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清醒—一石二鸟 (1/5)

任务简报 达库蒙称赞你是一个足智多谋的飞行员。我们来看看他是否正确。你可能已经知道,这个星座里埃拉克兰家族是梅多尔斯大人最大的对手。可以说,两者相斗是为了比比谁才是埃拉茨最强大的家族。埃拉克兰大人有一个弟弟叫泰拉姆·埃拉克兰,是个有天赋的战斗飞行员。可惜的是,众所周知,泰拉姆也是这个家族的害群之马。


  • 说明:
    • 小行星带刷怪(星座范围内),直到掉落任务物品为止。

清醒—家规卷宗 (2/5)

任务简报 我们艾玛人是文明程度最高的种族。当我们已使用镀金的餐盘用餐时,其他种族仍在用手擦屁股。我们有比罪恶更古老的传统,有比没修剪的脚指甲更根深蒂固(有时也更恶心)的习俗。



  • 说明:
    • 快递任务

清醒—马上比武 (3/5)

任务简报 Predictably, Lord Arachnan is not amused by his sister's actions. I believe "treacherous" and "bitch" were the words he used when describing his feelings. And of course the fact that his arch-rival Lord Methros has intervened on Lady Arachnan's behalf aggravates him even further. But Lord Methros stands by his allies, and he has allied himself with Lady Arachnan. He has know made it his mission in life to depose Lord Arachnan and instate Eroza as the rightful head of the Arachnan family. If he succeeds, the Arachnans will undoubtedly be very grateful and, more importantly, less belligerent toward our lord and master.

With Lord Arachnan declining to step down voluntarily, more drastic measures are called for. (Incidentally, we already started down this path when we killed Lord Arachnan's younger brother. And by "we," I mean "you," of course.) Don't you sometimes just marvel at Lord Methros foresight?

Now all that stands between Lord Arachnan and his sister in the hereditary ladder is Lord Arachnan's son. With him out of the way, the path is clear for Lady Arachnan. The son goes by the name Aradim Arachnan, and he is a real hot-head. The boy fancies himself a knight of the olden days, and his foolish father indulges his fanciful dreams. Aradim and his friends like to duel in their shiny cruisers. Or joust, as they call it. They think so highly of themselves that they've declined protection from Lord Arachnan's household guards, against the better wishes of the lord's chief of security. So taking them out shouldn't be too much of a problem. Just don't fall into the same trap as they likely will and get overly confident. Overconfidence is ugly at best and lethal at worst, so keep your head screwed on straight.

Bring me the head of Aradim Arachnan, as intact as possible. Lord Methros wants it to be quite recognizable by Lord Arachnan when it's presented to him.

  • 说明:
    • 有轨道
    • 7艘比武舰(巡洋级别)1艘任务BOSS(巡洋)距离100km左右
    • 把主动攻击的那堆怪灭了,任务就完成,拿物品走人

清醒—黑色碉堡 (4/5)

任务简报 事态更加激化了,名动少。我们已经把事情搞到无法完全控制的地步,我也不知道今后的走向如何。很刺激是吧?



  • 说明:
    • 4个要塞守卫
    • 直接打“外围要塞”,爆了以后会刷一个护卫,带网的,杀掉,否则30km的箱子爬死人了。

清醒—地牢中的巨龙 (5/5)

任务简报 埃拉克兰家族在深层空间拥有一座庄园。埃拉克兰大人的祖父将其建成了一个与世隔绝的家族避暑胜地。虽然它的位置不是什么秘密,但由于守卫森严,那里少有访问者。因此,那里是个进行秘密谈判的理想场所。梅尔多斯大人给埃拉克兰大人设了个漂亮的圈套。他利用自己的一个上尉做诱饵,使得埃拉克兰大人以为自己在梅多尔斯家族中有个职位很高的间谍。现在埃拉克兰大人和这个双重间谍将要在刚才提到的庄园中进行会面。


  • 说明:
    • 4庄园守卫,3庄园看门狗,8炮台,庄园府邸非常硬~~
