
黑的发紫讨论 | 贡献2016年6月17日 (五) 00:42的版本

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类别 统合部评级复合体
评级 DED 5/10
安等 高安/低安
允许最大舰船 T2 战列舰
海盗势力 天蛇
所需伤害类型 Kinetic damage 动能/Thermal damage热能
所需防御类型 Thermal damage 55% 热能
Kinetic damage 45% 动能
信号强度 2.5% 高安/5% 低安


The Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site is a Cosmic Signature of the DED Complex (rated 5/10) type, occupied by the Serpentis pirate faction. It can be found via exploration by probing in Highsec systems, though the frequency with which the site appears in Highsec is vanishingly low, and, much more commonly, in Lowsec systems.

The site consists of a volume of space with an acceleration gate and contains various structures and their defending pirates. Using the gate allows access to other areas within the site. When attacked, the defenders may send multiple waves of reinforcements. Each group's appearance is triggered by the destruction of members of the previous group. The names and amount of ships listed may vary slightly, but will always be of Battleship class or smaller.

This site's acceleration gate allows only Battleship class ships or lower and their Tech 2 equivalents to enter the site.

The location of this complex can be received as an escalation from a Cosmic Anomaly, in particular, the Serpentis Den. Upon such a discovery, the following message appears: "Your scanner has picked up a transmission originating from a nearby system. It would be wise to investigate this mysterious signal further"


The Serpentis are doing quite well for themselves in the narcotics department. Trafficking sites are bustling with activity and security.

Security forces should be mindful of any Sarpati family enforcers.
DED Threat Assessment: 5 of 10.


舰船 扰断/扰频 电子战 产出
护卫舰 21 x 护卫舰 Coreli Defender/Protector
巡洋舰 7 x 巡洋舰 Corelum Chief Infantry/Chief Sentinel
战列巡洋舰 2 x 战列巡洋舰 Corelatis Squad Leader/Wing Leader
战列舰 2 x 战列舰 Core Rear Admiral
战列舰 1 x 战列舰 Core Flotilla Admiral Sensor dampening
名称 须知
1 x 加速轨道 (40km) 消灭所有敌对舰船之后解锁


Analysis: Whatever the Serpentis are getting out of these asteroids, it must be an integral component of their product. There's enough equipment here to support a small planetary nation.
舰船 扰断/扰频 电子战 产出
护卫舰 6 x 护卫舰 Coreli Defender/Protector
驱逐舰 3 x 驱逐舰 Corelior Soldier/Trooper
巡洋舰 5 x 巡洋舰 Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Infantry/Chief Sentinel
战列巡洋舰 11 x 战列巡洋舰 Corelatis Squad Leader/Wing Leader
战列舰 8 x 战列舰 Core Admiral/Rear Admiral
战列舰 3 x 战列舰 Core Flotilla Admiral Sensor dampening
名字 须知
1 x 加速轨道 (43km) 消灭所有敌对舰船之后解锁


Enemy Detected: It's not every day you get to meet and kill an enforcer for the Sarpati family. Looks like you get to today.

跳入点35-45km处有3个停滞缠绕塔会马上将你减速. 此时将会面临非常大的伤害, 请准备充分.

舰船 扰断/扰频 电子战 产出
岗哨炮台 9 x 岗哨炮台 Tower Sentry Serpentis II
岗哨炮台 2 x 岗哨炮台 Serpentis Light Missile Battery
岗哨炮台 1 x 岗哨炮台 Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery
岗哨炮台 1 x 岗哨炮台 Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery
岗哨炮台 3 x 岗哨炮台 Serpentis Stasis Tower Stasis webifier
护卫舰 11 x 护卫舰 Coreli Intitate/Defender/Protector/Scout
驱逐舰 1 x 驱逐舰 Corelior Trooper
巡洋舰 9-10 x 巡洋舰 Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Infantry/Chief Sentinel
战列舰 5-6 x 战列舰 Core High admiral/Rear Admiral
监察官战列舰 1 x 监察官战列舰 Sarpati Family Enforcer Contains 18th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects and may contain Corelum B-type Modules, Shadow Serpentis Modules, and Vigilant BPC
Enforcer Eliminated: That was fun. You can be sure the Sarpati family has heard about this and written your name down somewhere. Oh well. Time to collect his loot.


物品名称 预计价值 须知
18级监察官的财产 43 百万 ISK 100%掉落
科尔鲁姆B型装备 监察官战列巡洋舰掉落
暗影天蛇装备 监察官战列巡洋舰掉落
警惕级蓝图 监察官战列巡洋舰掉落

本页面翻译自 This Page Translated from http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Serpentis_Corporation_Hydroponics_Site